
I will be busy the next couple of days so uploads after this one will be a little slower. Please bear with me.
I wanted to get this one up because I really wanted everyone to see this fight with Transformation playing.


  1. "Fragments of my memories" while literal fragments of memories are behind them. Drops hit in perfect syncs right when noise form screams and and later at a punch. This is so perfect for so many reasons haha

  2. Aw man they did my favorite video game dirty. The art is so bubbly, the animation is fine I til they use 3D, the battle was terrible choreographed, th dialogue is so poorly written, character posing and framing are passable but only that. Nothing stands out about this anime that the video game doesn't do better.

    Hard pass, which is a shame, I was looking forward to it. Just another junk anime to toss into the pile I guess.

  3. What. The Pi recitation before the Level i Flare was one of the best parts of that scene, why did they cut it out?

  4. i get that it's hard to make a grounded, well-choreographed fight when the abilities aren't grounded themselves, but man this is just……not good lol

    really hope people play the game instead since it's been ported to everything. I feel like the anime would damage the brand long-term if it's people's introduction

  5. I know got some issues with the anime, but I'm just happy seeing these kick-ass action scenes animated and watching the characters themselves not be restricted to comic book-esque sprites anymore.

    But man, imagine writing a literal essay because this battle didn't take half the episode's run-time, lol

  6. My only complaint with this, is that they left out his wings shattering during his transformation. Not a big thing I know, but it was a striking moment.

  7. This couldn't be more perfect: the energy; the timing of the attacks to the song; the transition from the song to the actual background music was in the same key! It's awesome!

  8. Was extremely disappointed when this wasn't a thing. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

    It fit so well too. Zetta waste of an opportunity.

  9. 3:27

    Not only did the climax of the song sync up perfectly, IT'S IN THE SAME KEY AS THE ANIME'S BGM? It is insane how well Transformation fits this entire sequence

  10. it's like you can just tell by the way it syncs up that they made this fight to go with this song, but for some reason they just couldn't put it in.

    Yet another reason this is a disappointing adaptation that I'll never fully watch.
    But hell, with clips as good as this, I don't need to.

  11. Why is this song so good?! Played the game for the first time thanks to the Switch Online free trial of Final Remix and… I cannot stop listening to this!

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