Komi's family is weird but also warm || Komi cant communicate 古見さんはコミュ症です

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Komi can’t communicate || Komi’s family is weird but also warm 古見さんはコミュ症です
Komi can’t communicate || Komi’s family is weird but also warm 古見さんはコミュ症です
Komi can’t communicate || Komi’s family is weird but also warm 古見さんはコミュ症です

#長名 なじみ,
#只野 仁人,
#万場木 留美子,
#古見 硝子


  1. When I first saw her cousin Akira, I just had a glimpse in the future what Tadano and Komi's future kid could look like☺️ she's so cute.

  2. When Komi plays on the playground I felt that.
    When I come home from hiking it is almost 22 so no one can judge me when I use the swing or climb the trees of my childhood playground.

  3. I wonder what grandma said afterwards when she discovers a phone number named tadano hitohito was in komi sans phone 😂

  4. 意味わからん只野がほんま好きw

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