Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3 Episode 10

As summer break comes to an end, Nishikata is stoked to try out his newest pranks and finally outdo his classmate Takagi once and for all. Despite his losing streak, he is slowly getting to know the unrelenting workings of her crafty mind. However, he soon realizes that Takagi’s motivations behind her teasing may not be what he initially assumed. One thing is certain, though: each fun-filled day of strategizing and competing brings the two closer than ever.


  1. (선배가 짜증나는 후배이야기) 이가라시 후타바 (2022년 01월 01일 부터 ~ 현재)에서 이젠부터 ([아이돌 사변] 오니마루 시즈카)에게 친구로 사귀고 처음으로 변경 했

  2. Why Is February 14 national dried sardine day? I’ve never heard it called so, but 2 reads “nee” in Japanese language. 1 looks like a stick, which is called “bou”, pronounced like “beau” or “bow” in rainbow. 4 reads “she” or "yon" in Japanese. Therefore, 214 reads nee-bou-she, which usually means dried sardine, so Nishikata kun said February 14 is dried sardine day.
    In addition, 8 sounds like “her chee,“ and 0 reads ray. That makes 80 “her chee ray”, abbreviated to “ha-re”, meaning fair weather, as you can see in “Ha-re ha-re yukai.” And in Japanese, when the same two words are repeated, the latter sometimes turn into voiced sounds, like, “hare bare” instead of “hare hare.” Therefore, Takagi san called 8080 hare bare, meaning clear sky or feel refreshed.
    And 8080 also reads “ba-re ba-re”, instead of hare hare. Ba-re-ru means come to light, be revealed, and so on. So Nishikata kun was upset after saying bare bare.

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