
    「Deep Insanity(ディープインサニティ)」。

    『Deep Insanity THE LOST CHILD(ディープインサニティ ザ・ロストチャイルド)』

    『Deep Insanity NIRVANA(ディープインサニティ ニルヴァーナ)』


    『Deep Insanity ASYLUM(ディープインサニティ アサイラム)』

    ◆GooglePlayで事前登録はこちら( https://sqex.to/T2iCX )
    ◆公式Twitterで事前登録はこちら( https://twitter.com/deepinsanity_pj )

    #DeepInsanity #ディープインサニティ


    1. YAY!! Finally Shimono-san with a new character to be loved!! Can't wait to see what is this all about… ^^

    2. Hm, MC gets in a hole in the ground to find something he wants, while others seek treasure. Sounds abyssmal 😉

    3. well well, they didn't say much beyond a city so it looks very technologically advanced on a very icy mountain… while a teenager tries to get to that city… okay, the concept of art is nice xD

    4. 元気な役や可愛い役や面白い役が多い下野さんですが、実はシリアスな演技や大人な演技も素晴らしいので今回の配役は嬉しいです!
      楽しみにしてます(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

    5. 大沼監督とSILVERLINK.と言えばプリズマイリヤシリーズに欠かせない黄金的なコンビ性……とでも言うべきだろうか😅❓

    6. しもんぬ主演だーーーー!!!嬉しい嬉しすぎる😭

    7. It's been 7 episodes where are these scenes and where is the storyyyyyyyyy,???!?!?!?!??!?!?! 😐
      0 motivation to continue watching it in 4x speed

    8. idk if the anime is good but im disliking for the waste of time this trailer was to show me absolutely nothing. anime trailers are literally the worst

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